Centro per l’Eccellenza e gli Studi Transdisciplinari

Luigi Einaudi Campus, Sala Lauree Blu Grande | Lungo Dora Siena 100, Turin


Monday 5 June 2017

State and Market. ‘Cultural interest’ between publishing and cinema.

A study day on funding of cultural products,

Luigi Einaudi Campus, Sala Lauree Blu Grande | Lungo Dora Siena 100, Turin

‘Cultural Interest’ is the category that allows access, in the cinematographic sphere, to ministerial funds for cultural products. But is support for culture really a guarantee of freedom of expression, untied from the tastes of the masses and patronage? Do the major figures in the cultural market, for example Mondazzoli in the publishing sphere, actually swallow up all those small and independent entities that do research, sustain quality and constitute, in many aspects, expressions of the Avant-garde?

To reply to these and many other questions, on Monday 5 June from 3:00 pm at the Luigi Einaudi Campus of the University of Turin (in the room Sala Lauree Blu Grande), CEST is organising a meeting day with important representatives of the cultural world. This is an initiative to address the theme of public and private funding in the cultural sphere, to discuss some of the rationales that direct them, and the rôle played by the concept of ‘cultural interests’ in two key sectors: publishing and cinema.

It is necessary to confirm your participation by writing to [email protected] or telephoning 011 5629 708


Gianmaria Ajani

Rector of the University of Turin

Matteo Bagnasco

Director of the Innovation Area of the Compagnia di San Paolo

Filippo Cavazzoni

Editorial Director at the Bruno Leoni Institute

Giacomo Manzoli

Full Professor of Cinema, Photography and Television at the University of Bologna

Matteo Marchesini

Literary critic.

Andrea Minuz

Associate Professor of Cinema, Photography and Television at the Sapienza University at Rome

Antonella Parigi

Councillor for Culture and Tourism in Piedmont.

Matteo Pessione

Director of Venture Philanthropy at the CRT Foundation

Oliviero Ponte di Pino

Director of the BookCity Milan programme & President of the Ateatro Association

Florindo Rubettino

Editor of Rubbettino Publishing

Paolo Tenna

Managing Director of Piedmont Film Investments


Gabriele Ferraris

Journalist, formerly Editor in Chief of La Stampa

Filomena Greco

Journalist at il Sole 24 Ore

Tommaso Portaluri

President of CEST

Luigi Einaudi Campus, Sala Lauree Blu Grande | Lungo Dora Siena 100, Turin