Centro per l’Eccellenza e gli Studi Transdisciplinari

26 March 2021

Signing of the cooperation agreement with ANAD – Association Nationale des Avocats et eleves-avocats docteurs en Droit

by CEST Staff

From today the CEST network expands!

We are pleased to announce the signing of the cooperation agreement with ANAD – Association Nationale des Avocats et eleves-avocats docteurs en Droit

The aim of ANAD is to unite all lawyers and trainee-lawyers who are PhDs and PhD students across France to exchange, discuss, federate and work together in a spirit of brotherhood and cooperation.

It is a national association that consists of a platform for the exchange of information and experiences with open and humanist values. It aims to organize events throughout the year in order to create a dynamic force within the profession.


The partnership between the two associations – born thanks to the commitment of our Giulio Alvaro Cortesi – will have, among other things, the aim of enhancing the title of PhD in legal sciences and, more generally, enhancing the academic path of respective affiliates.

This objective will materialize, for example, through the organization of Franco-Italian seminars and study meetings and the implementation of joint publishing initiatives.

The signing of the agreement represents an opportunity for dialogue between two realities which aim to encourage the meeting of young scholars in academic research and encourage dialogue between academic reflection and public debate.

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